
Galerija Božidar Jakac bo podatke, ki jih navedete na tem obrazcu, uporabljala za stik z vami v sklopu obveščanja o rednih mesečnih dogodkih Galerije Božidar Jakac.

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Dovoljenje za obveščanje

Galerija Božidar Jakac bo podatke, ki jih navedete na tem obrazcu, uporabljala za stik z vami v sklopu obveščanja o rednih mesečnih dogodkih Galerije Božidar Jakac. / Galerija Božidar Jakac will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to give monthly updates on activities and events. Please let us know the ways you would like to hear from us:

S prejemanja obvestil o dogodkih Galerije Božidar Jakac se lahko kadarkoli odjavite. Na dnu e-sporočila kliknite na povezavo za odjavo ali pa nam pišite na mediji@galerija-bj.si. S klikom spodaj se strinjate, da bomo vaše podatke obdelovali v skladu s temi pogoji. / You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting us at mediji@galerija-bj.si. We will treat your information with respect. For more information about our privacy practices please visit our website. By clicking below, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms.

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