Panel Discussion: Visual Pollution of the New Era
Date: 06. 07. 2024
Time: 18:00
The panel discussion is part of the exhibition New Era: Artistic Discourses on Social and Climate Change, will include following speakers: Danilo Milovanović (artist), Zaš Brezar (Landezine), Lara Gligić (Prostor vmes), Goran Milovanović (GBJ), with the moderator Miha Colner (GBJ).
The panellists will open up the discussion about the ways of planning and managing cultural landscape which is nowadays ever more subject of the visual pollution. The starting point of the discussion is the art work of Danilo Milovanović Outcrying the Hawkers (2023) in which he focuses on the phenomenon of poorly regulated advertisement in rural and urban environment. In the past thirty years the cultural landscape in Slovenia has undergone a process of substantial commercialisation and consequently visual cacophony occurred which is caused by ever bigger interest to place advertisement spaces, such as billboards and light-boxes in the landscape, and lack of regulation in this domain. The discussion thus hosts experts from different fields, such as art, architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture.
The discussion is part of the exhibition New Era: Artistic Discourses on Social and Climate Change that presents works of twelve artists and art groups from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia whose works ardently and consistently address the relationship between human and nature over a longer period of time. In doing so the artists reflect and comment on one of the most topical and pressing issues of present-day society – those of ecology, climate and social change and environmental protection.
The exhibition is result of the project that was jointly conceived and implemented by three museums: Museum of Contemporary Art of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, Galerija Božidar Jakac – Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Kostanjevica na Krki, and Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad. The exhibition showcases works of following artists: Igor Bošnjak, Isidora Branković, diSTRUKTURA, Jovan Došenović, Dejan Marković, Marija Marković, DNLM, Bojan Mrđenović, PLATEAURESIDUE, Helena Tahir, Nikola Tomić and Adrienn Újhazi.
The New Era: Artistic Discourses on Social and Climate Change project is supported by the British Council and it constitutes a part of the Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans (CC4WBs) project, funded by the European Union. CC4WBs is focused on fostering dialogue in the Western Balkans by enhancing the cultural and creative sectors for increased socio-economic impact. Over a 48-month period, the CC4WBs project aims to improve the performance of the cultural and creative sectors in order to enhance skills, knowledge, access to financial aid to increase competitiveness and sustain co-production and circulation of goods and services in the Western Balkans.
Danilo Milovanović, Outcrying the Hawkers, 2023. Photo: Jaka Babnik

Exhibitions / Current
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