
Forma viva 2011

Dne 28.03.2011 se je sestala mednarodna komisija in izbrala udeležence kiparskega simpozija Forma viva 2011. Med 85 udeleženci iz 33 držav sveta so izbrani naslednji trije (3) kandidati:
Denis Krašković - HRVAŠKA
Karen Macher Nesta - PERU
Reinhold Neururer - AVSTRIJA

On March 28th, members of the international jury met to decide about participants of Forma viva sculpture symposium 2011. Božidar Jakac Gallery received 85 applications from 33 countries. Refering to the final selection, the three (3) participants of the symposium are:

Denis Kraskovic - CROATIA
Karen Macher Nesta - PERU
Reinhold Neururer - AUSTRIA