
The Symposium of Sculptors Forma Viva was established in 1961 at the initiative of sculptors Jakob Savinšek and Janez Lenassi. It first took place in Seča near Portorož and Kostanjevica na Krki and then spread to the other two locations. In accordance with the natural resources of individual sites, the symposium in Kostanjevica na Krki focuses on sculpting oak wood, Seča near Portorož on stone, Ravne na Koroškem on metal while in Maribor on concrete. During the first few years Symposiums have been organized every year, but after the enthusiastic start the initiative slowed down. By the end of the 80’s Forma Viva symposium had ceased to exist at all sites except Seča near Portorož. After a ten years pause, Kostanjevica na Krki witnessed the re-emergence of Forma Viva Symposium which, as the biennial event, continues to exist in the present day.